American dream or nightmare?
Pursuit of Happiness
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Pursuit of Happiness

Prophetic announcement


We Americans like to believe that we are born into the right to have our freedoms. We blindly follow anyone we believe is enabling us to have those freedoms. We blindly send our young men for this cause. We cater to politicians who promise us great things but seldom deliver. Our American freedoms have become a snare for us. Our enemies use these very freedoms and laws against us. We have traded in our knowledge of God for evil lifestyles. True knowledge and freedom start with the fear of God. Many neither fear God nor His written Word to us. Here in America this is mostly caused by the pursuit of the “American Way of Life”. Things have changed a lot since the Pilgrims landed on this continent hoping for religious freedom. There is a move by secular scholars to remove any history driven by Christian beliefs. I could write many books on what has gone wrong but it would defeat the purpose of this writing.

I believe that the time has come for all believers to not be led astray by the freedoms that a secular world promises that don’t agree with Gods written Word. It is time for all Christians to prepare themselves for the soon return of Jesus Christ. The signs of His second coming are everywhere in the earth today. Humanity has become so backward and fouled up that only He, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, can put the affairs of humanity in order. The last try of human induced order will produce an ultimate world leader - the Satanic inspired Anti-Christ. All believers who aren’t spiritually blind should be able to recognize this happening now.

I address this paragraph to the many believers who feel rejected by our present Churches and Ministries. You may feel rejected by God – but that is not true. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ God has promised that the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. Jesus paid that awful price of rejection on the cross so He has already suffered our rejection and feeling of betrayal. It is time for all who have been, and are being, rejected or betrayed to rise up out of the ashes; to put on the beauty of Christ’s teachings as a new garment. Start believing the truth and declaring it in your life; reject the lies of secular teachers and prophets and seek to find truthful believers. You find such ministers and believers by seeking His face in prayer and by reading His Word. He has given us His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us through this life. Remember that Jesus Christ has already suffered rejection and betrayal, and He fully understands.

I address this paragraph to ministers of the gospel who are frustrated by betrayal and rejection of the bitterest kind. You are not alone in this, so remember that Jesus warned us long ago that in this world there would be trouble. Rejoice in that you are worthy to suffer, and in fact it lets you know who belongs to Christ and who does not. Don’t concern yourself with them for they are already condemned. It is time for you to stir up your most holy faith, climb out of the ashes and declare the truth of God’s Word, because many believers are in a fog of darkness and need you to bring light to them. God hasn’t changed His mind about choosing you to share his truth. I thank God for the use of the Internet for now. It is a tool that can be used for good or bad. Let us use it for good as long as we can. I believe that God’s plan for this generation is to give a special anointing to those believers who have been betrayed and rejected and feel that they are in darkness. He will turn on the light of Jesus Christ in us if we allow Him to.
By Lester Davis